#SummerCookout :: Bath And Body Works 3 Wick Candle Haul | Vlogmas 06
By FCN Prime / August 29, 2018 / #SummerCookout2018, Home, PinUpGirlBeautyCheck out my haul of Bath and Body Works 3 Wick Candles since I went shopping while they were only $8.95! Follow PinUpGirlBeauty! Site :: pinupgirlbeauty.com Facebook :: /pinupgirlbeauty Twitter :: @pinupgirlbeauty Instagram :: @pinupgirlsbeauty YouTube :: PinUpGirl Beauty
#SummerCookout :: #TopTen #Lists :: #Top10 80s XMas Gifts, Part One (Discussion)
By FCN Prime / August 29, 2018 / #SummerCookout2018, HomeFCN 12 Days of Xmas LIST: Best 80s Gift #christmas #xmas #gift #80s #cabbagepatch #mylittlepony #nintendo #bigwheels #lightbright #viewfinder #teddyruxpin #rainbowbright
82 Tabs Presents Black In China :: Story Time! [S1,E9]
By FCN Prime / August 28, 2018 / #SummerCookout2018, FCN Four, Home黑人在中国 #九 [Black in China #9] 故事 [Story Time] This week the cast share memorable stories from their time in China.
enRICHed Life Podcast :: 3 Incredible Personal Development Books to Get You Motivated [ELR:002]
By FCN Prime / August 28, 2018 / #SummerCookout2018, FCN Four, HomeI was asked to give my top three favorite personal development books, and I didn’t know what to say. There are SO MANY amazing books around that narrowing down to three favorites is not an easy task. There are a few books, though, that I can consume over and over again, and I find something different […]
A Look Into Why I Am Still Rooting for Howard University and You Should Too.
By FCN Prime / August 27, 2018 / #SummerCookout2018, Articles, HomeA Look Into Why I Am Still Rooting for Howard University and You Should Too. By: Brittany Boston This story was originally published by 82 Tabs on Medium on May 6, 2018. “The Mecca”, “HUUU”, or Howard University are some of many aliases of the most popular historically black university in the world. Founded in 1865, this […]
#SummerCookout :: Gammera the Invincible (FriFi Night)
By FCN Prime / August 24, 2018 / #SummerCookout2018, HomeAn atomic explosion awakens Gammera–a giant, fire-breathing turtle monster–from his millions of years of hibernation. Enraged at being roused from such a sound sleep, he takes it out on Tokyo.” Oh boy. Enjoy tonight’s #FriFi Night film!
#SummerCookout :: Is Monogamy an Outdated Concept?(Speak On It)
By FCN Prime / August 24, 2018 / #SummerCookout2018, HomeGet more stuff
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The Sunday Edition :: Universal FanCon Cancellation, Kanye, Barbara Bush Funeral, and Prom Dads w/ Guns
Join @TheReggieMathis, @Trezanay, @TheRayvolution talk mad truth and fact about the Universal Fan Con Cancellation and all the issues that come with the story, followed by topics that happened over the weekend, like Kanye’s comment about Candace Owens, Barbara Bush’s death, Tiffany Haddish and her brush with TMZ, along with the trend of dads posing […]
The Sunday Edition :: The Versus Episode – The Grapevine vs The Root, Kaepernick vs Manziel, Black People vs. Killer Mike vs. The NRA
#TheSundayEdition :: The Versus Episode @TheGrapevineTV vs. @TheRoot @JManziel2 vs. @Kaepernick7 Black People vs. @KillerMike vs. @NRA #WeTheFive #ISJ #IJSwTA @Trezanay @JCoIsIt @EbonyTheWriter
The Sunday Edition :: #TiffanyHaddish #SNL “You Know You’re Cooning When…”(Ep 007)
FCN’s @Trezanay and @TheRayvolution discuss #TiffanyHaddish and her hosting of #SNL and how she looked to shuck and jive in what was supposed to be a monumental moment as the first black female comedian to host the show.
Latest Episodes
#SummerCookout :: One of the Funniest Episodes of the Season #TheThursdayWineDown
By FCN Prime / September 27, 2018 / #SummerCookout2018, HomeSophia Body Comes For Beyonce + Save The Drama For Ya Baby Momma – Blacc Chyna and Rob Kardashian + Scandal ReCap – Cyrus The Great Manipulator, Mellie Finally Gets Some Action, and Olivia Is Still Olivia.
#SummerCookout :: Is Monogamy an Outdated Concept? #SpeakOnIt
By FCN Prime / September 27, 2018 / FCN Four, Home, Speak On ItSpeak On It begins its 4th Season this upcoming Sunday! Follow, Like, and Subscribe to their show here —>
#SummerCookout :: Bill Cosby Guilty, The WHCD + Michelle Wolf’s Amazing Roast, Infinity War (Fandom vs. Critique) and Russell Westbrook
By FCN Prime / September 25, 2018 / #SummerCookout2018, HomeBill Cosby Guilty, The WHCD + Michelle Wolf’s Amazing Roast, Infinity War (Fandom vs. Critique) and Russell Westbrook (029)
By FCN Prime / September 19, 2018 / #SummerCookout2018, Articles, HomeAN INSPIRATIONAL ROUNDUP OF SOME AMAZING SELF-CARE BLOGGERS By: Steph Thorne This story was originally published by Pin Up Girl Beauty on March 2, 2018. I recently started following the hashtag #selfcareblogger on Instagram (LOVE this feature!), and I have discovered some amazing bloggers who love to talk, write, and teach about self-care. Plus, it’s Women’s HERstory Month, […]
82 Tabs Presents Black In China :: Expats in China [Black In China S1E12]
By FCN Prime / September 19, 2018 / #SummerCookout2018, FCN Four, Home额外电影 [Bonus Materials 2/3) 黑人在中国 [Black in China #12] The cast talks about the different kinds of expatriates in China. Also they describe their interactions with Chinese people. These are the experiences of Black people from Canada, Trinidad & Tobago, the UK, and the USA living in the People’s Republic of China.