September 27, 2018
Sophia Body Comes For Beyonce + Save The Drama For Ya Baby Momma – Blacc Chyna and Rob Kardashian + Scandal ReCap – Cyrus The Great Manipulator, Mellie Finally Gets Some Action, and Olivia Is Still Olivia.
September 27, 2018
Speak On It begins its 4th Season this upcoming Sunday! Follow, Like, and Subscribe to their show here —>
September 25, 2018
Bill Cosby Guilty, The WHCD + Michelle Wolf’s Amazing Roast, Infinity War (Fandom vs. Critique) and Russell Westbrook (029)
September 19, 2018
AN INSPIRATIONAL ROUNDUP OF SOME AMAZING SELF-CARE BLOGGERS By: Steph Thorne This story was originally published by Pin Up Girl Beauty on March 2, 2018. I recently started following the hashtag #selfcareblogger on Instagram (LOVE this feature!), and I have discovered some amazing bloggers who love to talk, write, and teach about self-care. Plus, it’s Women’s HERstory Month, […]
September 19, 2018
额外电影 [Bonus Materials 2/3) 黑人在中国 [Black in China #12] The cast talks about the different kinds of expatriates in China. Also they describe their interactions with Chinese people. These are the experiences of Black people from Canada, Trinidad & Tobago, the UK, and the USA living in the People’s Republic of China.
September 18, 2018
September 13, 2018
The Wooooo Show w/ The Raging Ogre Hulk A Tone and TShackTalkz square off in combat debate on Adrien Broner’s post fight interview racial haymaker, The Greatest Royal Rumble, Mark Wahlberg thinks he can beat Rhonda Rousey and MORE! Ep: 14
September 12, 2018
HOW POSITIVE MORNING AFFIRMATIONS SET INTENTION TO MY DAY By: Steph Thorne This story was originally published by Pin Up Girl Beauty on November 10, 2017. HOW POSITIVE MORNING AFFIRMATIONS SET INTENTION TO MY DAY November 10, 2017 I have been incorporating morning affirmations as a way to encourage positive energy into my thoughts. I find that […]
September 12, 2018
@JCo gives an OUTSTANDING PERFORMANCE in this episode of FCN’s Top Ten Xmas Party Happenings – as the team discusses the best and worst of office Christmas parties.
September 12, 2018
It’s snowing here in Washington, DC so my family and I decided to stay in the house watching movies and writing our letter to Santa. Follow PinUpGirlBeauty! Site :: Facebook :: /pinupgirlbeauty Twitter :: @pinupgirlbeauty Instagram :: @pinupgirlsbeauty YouTube :: PinUpGirl Beauty
September 11, 2018
September 11, 2018
Local Elections and Campaign Field Work By: Cory Lancaster This story was originally published by 82Tabs on December 26, 2017. Journalist Cory Lancaster sits down with campaign organizer and community activist, Thaddeus Walls, to discuss local elections and field work.
September 11, 2018
额外电影 [Bonus Material 1/3] 黑人在中国 [Black in China #11] This is some bonus footage as the cast talks about Chinese “Nowism,” professionalism, and the art of negotiation. These are the experiences of Black people from Canada, Trinidad & Tobago, the UK, and the USA living in the People’s Republic of China.
September 7, 2018
We’ve been away plotting how how FCN will bring ya’ll even better content in 2018, but we’re not didn’t forget our weekly Friday night science fiction film! Tonight’s movie —> The Brain That Wouldn’t Die. Take a look at this movie plot… The main plot focuses upon a mad doctor who develops a means to […]
September 7, 2018
Join @TheReggieMathis as he recaps the previous episode of #TWD and talks predictions with @JCoIsIt and @TheRayvolution.
September 6, 2018
September 6, 2018
September 6, 2018
黑人在中国 #十: 故事起源 (你为什么要来中国) [Black in China #10: Origin Stories of Why the Cast Came to China] The cast share the reasons why they decided to come to the People’s Republic of China.
September 6, 2018
I just finished the last of my Valentine’s Day candy and Girl Scout cookies, and now I am looking in the mirror wondering what is wrong with me. I notice that sometimes the words in my head are full of negativity and self doubt. And when those negative thoughts become habit, they manifest into body […]
September 6, 2018
Check out my makeup tutorial for women of color as I use the bare metals palette from LimeLight by Alcone to create a holiday party shimmer eye look. Follow PinUpGirlBeauty! Site :: Facebook :: /pinupgirlbeauty Twitter :: @pinupgirlbeauty Instagram :: @pinupgirlsbeauty YouTube :: PinUpGirl Beauty
September 6, 2018
September 5, 2018
September 4, 2018
Taking a Knee and What it Actually is About. By: Cory Lancaster This story was originally published by The Black Juice on September 28, 2017. —————————————————— Friday, September 22, Donald Trump criticized NFL players who lodge protests during the national anthem, saying that he wishes those players would be discharged. These remarks incited social media debates and added additional […]
September 4, 2018
August 29, 2018
Check out my haul of Bath and Body Works 3 Wick Candles since I went shopping while they were only $8.95! Follow PinUpGirlBeauty! Site :: Facebook :: /pinupgirlbeauty Twitter :: @pinupgirlbeauty Instagram :: @pinupgirlsbeauty YouTube :: PinUpGirl Beauty
August 29, 2018
FCN 12 Days of Xmas LIST: Best 80s Gift #christmas #xmas #gift #80s #cabbagepatch #mylittlepony #nintendo #bigwheels #lightbright #viewfinder #teddyruxpin #rainbowbright
August 28, 2018
August 28, 2018
August 28, 2018
黑人在中国 #九 [Black in China #9] 故事 [Story Time] This week the cast share memorable stories from their time in China.
August 28, 2018
I was asked to give my top three favorite personal development books, and I didn’t know what to say. There are SO MANY amazing books around that narrowing down to three favorites is not an easy task. There are a few books, though, that I can consume over and over again, and I find something different […]
August 27, 2018
A Look Into Why I Am Still Rooting for Howard University and You Should Too. By: Brittany Boston This story was originally published by 82 Tabs on Medium on May 6, 2018. “The Mecca”, “HUUU”, or Howard University are some of many aliases of the most popular historically black university in the world. Founded in 1865, this […]
August 24, 2018
An atomic explosion awakens Gammera–a giant, fire-breathing turtle monster–from his millions of years of hibernation. Enraged at being roused from such a sound sleep, he takes it out on Tokyo.” Oh boy. Enjoy tonight’s #FriFi Night film!
August 24, 2018
@TheReggieMathis was out, so enjoy @StarlaKayMathis and @AngelEyez1925 and @NaughtyNard recap the Fall Season of The Walking Dead!
August 24, 2018
August 24, 2018
August 22, 2018
August 22, 2018
Silent Hill 2 Playthrough: Part 1 By: Tayci Stallings This story was originally published on on May 27, 2018. __________________ Tayci’s oldest son was talking mess about her “not playing any scary games”, so she made him play Silent Hill 2. This is Part 1.
August 22, 2018
Check out how I create my save-the-world bucket for Christmas Day to go under the tree. The bucket has: Screwdrivers (Phillips and flat) Scissors Box cutter Tape Batteries (AA and AAA) Ziploc bags Follow PinUpGirlBeauty! Site :: Facebook :: /pinupgirlbeauty Twitter :: @pinupgirlbeauty Instagram :: @pinupgirlsbeauty YouTube :: PinUpGirl Beauty
August 22, 2018
6 TRAVEL BEAUTY MUST-HAVES FOR LESS THAN $6 By: Steph Thorne This story was originally published by Pin Up Girl Beauty on January 26, 2018. Do you love getting new travel beauty goodies as much as I do when you are planning for your vacation? I find myself scouring the travel sized section at Target […]
August 22, 2018
Ain’t I A [Healthy] Woman? By: Jennifer Blemur This story was originally published on Medium by 82 Tabs on March 19, 2018. “I’m convinced that we Black women possess a special indestructible strength that allows us to not only get down, but to get up, to get through, and to get over.” These words spoken by […]
August 22, 2018
FCN’s “12 Days of Christmas” Lists – debates and hot takes on the best of Christmas! THE REVEAL :: #TopTen What You Ain’t Gon Do On Christmas #YuleTube #WeTheFive #WeTheKringle #TopTenLists #Debates #HotTakes Only on the Fifth Column Network. #christmastree #christmas #holidayparty #holiday #holidayfun #merrychristmas #specials #tvspecial #gifts #toys #music #traditions #traditions🎄 #officeholidayparty #tvshows #bestof
August 21, 2018
黑人在中国 [Black in China, the series] #8 忠告 [advice] Chronicling 39 Black people’s accounts of living in the People’s Republic of China, welcome to 黑衣人在中国 (Black in China). They hail from the Canada, Trinidad and Tobago, the United Kingdom, and the United States and their professions range from teachers, to entertainers, to entrepreneurs, all attempting […]
August 21, 2018
A Witch’s Luck By: Tayci Stallings This story was originally published on WattPad on March 29, 2018. __________________ Isis is a ritual teacher at a school for magical beings. But if she is to lead her coven she must find a mate from another powerful family. Grant is a physics teacher at the same school and a werewolf. They become fast […]
August 21, 2018
What is stopping us from getting outside our comfort zones? Fear. Conditioning. Guilt. Worry. But how do we combat that? Steph Thorne gives three steps to help you! Show notes: enRICHed life radio is dedicated to giving hardworking women a place to come and rejuvenate their spirit with practical self care tips, inspirational words, positive affirmations, […]
August 21, 2018
#FloridaShooting #Lebron #BlackPanther
August 20, 2018
Op-Ed: What is Homework Without a Home? By: Jennifer Blemur This story was originally published on Medium by 82 Tabs on January 10, 2018. 2,281. That is the number of children in families experiencing homelessness in the District of Columbia. Homelessness is often characterized as a moral failing. However, homelessness is a much more complicated […]
August 20, 2018
@Trezanay and @JCo unpack the open letter from Mitch Daniels to Condoleezza Rice about her new job with the NCAA, while @TheRayvolution sits with @Trezanay to talk about the best story line to successfully reboot “Martin”, which guest @Gina talks about Rose McGowan’s breakdown at a book signing with a trans heckler.
August 16, 2018
#ThursdayWineDown w/ Starla Kay Mathis and friends.
August 16, 2018
August 16, 2018
The Government vs The People: Americans Fight for Clean Water By: Gben Dasylva This story was originally published on Brainwash Media on May 4, 2018. Flint, Michigan brought the realities of chemical water contamination to the forefront. This community caught our attention in 2015 because government and local officials ignored evidence that the Flint river water […]
August 16, 2018
On this edition of 黑人在中国, the cast answer the question: What else do you like about the People’s Republic of China?
August 16, 2018
Trezanay‘s take on the intellectual property issue was so hot that the founder of GrapeVineTV blocked her on social media afterwards…and she was called a coon. Yikes! The Root, however, followed her afterwards. *shrug* Ebony Marie Chappel joined her for a riveting discussion about Black creativity in general….and how folks love to steal content […]
August 15, 2018
This was the first appearance of FCN talent – @TShackTalkz! Super excited to have @TiffanyShackleford join the FCN talent squad. Check out her debut on tonight’s episode of #TheWooShow with @Hulkatone, talking all things WWE, UFC, MMA, and Indie Wrestling!
August 15, 2018
3 Easy Tasks Women Can Do Every Morning to Increase Our Productivity By: Steph Thorne This story was originally published by Pin Up Girl Beauty on February 23, 2018. I admit that I am NOT a morning person. I used to grumble and complain every time I had to drag myself out of my warm […]
August 15, 2018
On December 6, my family celebrates the Feast Of St. Nicholas by putting our shoes out the night before in anticipation of candy and treats from St. Nicholas. Follow PinUpGirlBeauty! Site :: Facebook :: /pinupgirlbeauty Twitter :: @pinupgirlbeauty Instagram :: @pinupgirlsbeauty YouTube :: PinUpGirl Beauty
August 15, 2018
How Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild Reinvigorated my Nintendo Love By: Tayci Stallings This story was originally published on BlackGirlNerds on March 29, 2018. I have been a Nintendo stan since I was in diapers. I watched my grandpa play Super Mario 64, GoldenEye 007, Donkey Kong, everything which is one reason I now like watching YouTube gaming playthroughs. When […]
August 15, 2018
August 15, 2018
Wednesday Morning HotTake :: The LGBTQ Community Coming for RuPaul? Absolutely Not!
August 14, 2018
August 14, 2018
In this episode, we are talking about perfectionist procrastination– what is it, and how do we overcome it? Show notes: enRICHed life radio is dedicated to giving hardworking women a place to come and rejuvenate their spirit with practical self care tips, inspirational words, positive affirmations, and motivational mindset work to increase your happiness and […]
August 14, 2018
求爱 [Dating] The cast was asked to describe dating while Black in China. There are heterosexual and LGBT perspectives on dating in China.
August 14, 2018
The Amara Legal Center’s Fight to End the Stigma of Prostitution By: Brittany Boston This story was originally published on The Black Juice by 82 Tabs on April 12, 2018. In March 2017, there was a national outcry over the missing African American and Latina girls in the nation’s capital. There were over […]
August 14, 2018
Tuesday Morning HotTake :: A Real Conversation about Black Movies at the Box Office. Because, we need to know the real factors that go into Hollywood film making. Conversation led by resident pop culture anthropologist, TheRayvolution, along with JCo.
August 13, 2018
Mr Robot Episode 10 – #WeTheRobot Pre Game Show After Party #mrrobot #usa #elliot #whiterose #hackers #timetravel #finale
August 13, 2018
August 13, 2018
Education is Free as in Speech and Beer. By: Cory Lancaster This story was originally published by 82Tabs on February 6, 2018. Education is Free as in Speech and Beer By: Cory Lancaster “My dream is to be able to give every human being a chance and the best way to do that is through education. So, we built Udacity to […]
August 13, 2018
Monday Morning HotTake :: From #TheSundayEdition Are White Men Getting Too Comfortable? This discussion was hot, hot, hot with special guest, Mz. Chynudol your man’s BFF in the studio to talk about #TonyRobbins and his #MeToo comments, and #GaryOwen and #MichaelRappaport…ish got contentious. Link to full episode:
August 13, 2018
Ya’ll have really been showing love for content shared this month! Here’s this week’s line up! MORNING: Every Monday through Thursday, get ready for all the hottakes, debates, and facts from The Sunday Edition, a random episode from FCN’s No 1 show! Wednesday at 11amEST – The DEBATt – The Top 10 What You Aint Gon […]
August 7, 2018
August 7, 2018
TAYCI STALLINGS SHARES HER TIME AT WONDERCON! By: Tayci Stallings This story was originally published on BlackGirlNerds on March 26, 2018. WonderCon 2018 is sadly over. This year was chock full of cosplayers and top-notch content which made me wish I had a time turner so I could see it all. I have attended WonderCon for the past 4 years and […]
August 7, 2018
黑人在中国 [Black In China] Episode #5: 喜欢 [Likes Part 1] On this edition of 黑衣人在中国, the cast answers the question: What do you like about China?
August 7, 2018
I took my son to see the store windows and decorations at CityCenterDC and they had an igloo on display! Unfortunately, the weather was too warm for it to stay firm enough to go inside. Follow PinUpGirlBeauty! Site :: Facebook :: /pinupgirlbeauty Twitter :: @pinupgirlbeauty Instagram :: @pinupgirlsbeauty YouTube :: PinUpGirl Beauty
August 7, 2018
This episode of Prime News previously aired on May 10, 2018.
August 6, 2018
#MrRobot – @TheRayvolution and @JCoisit take pregaming to a whole new level! #WeTheStrippers
August 6, 2018
August 6, 2018
Apple Introduces Face ID And Exposes Another Discriminatory Blind Spot In “Cool” Technology. By: Cory Lancaster This story was originally published in Policy Perspectives on April 10, 2018. The people of America have whipped out their smart phones and called their government to the stand. The social issues that have been offending our citizens for centuries are on […]
August 3, 2018
It’s that time of the week! Now that you’re all full of Thanksgiving dinner, don’t get off the couch! This movie is better than anything in the theaters now anyway (read: Justice League) so just sit back and enjoy “Assignment Outer Space” about Interplanetary News reporter Ray Peterson (ooh I’m intrigued already) writing some in-depth […]
August 2, 2018
JCo and TheRayvolution unpack the Monique interviews on The Breakfast Club and Sway Radio – to see if she’s finally making sense. Plus, some more unpacking of the Florida Shooting.
August 1, 2018
Enjoy your weekly recap and analysis of all things WWE, UFC, MMA, and Indy Wrestling with FCN Combat Sports Analyst, @Hulkatone!
August 1, 2018
WAGE INEQUALITY: She Works Hard for the Money, SO PAY HER! By: Jennifer Blemur This story was originally published on Medium by 82 Tabs on April 3, 2018. #TheFutureisFemale, #GirlsLikeUs, #BlackGirlMagic, #YesAllWomen, #WomensMarch, and other hashtags are the visible markers that cis and trans women are no longer taking the backseat – which is ironic for […]
August 1, 2018
FCN’s “12 Days of Christmas” Lists – debates and hot takes on the best of Christmas! THE REVEAL :: #TopTen Christmas Traditions #YuleTube #WeTheFive #WeTheKringle #TopTenLists #Debates #HotTakes Only on the Fifth Column Network. #christmastree #christmas #holidayparty #holiday #holidayfun #merrychristmas #specials #tvspecial #gifts #toys #music #traditions #traditions🎄 #officeholidayparty #tvshows #bestof
August 1, 2018
July 31, 2018
Black Lightning Pre-Game Show: CW is RUINING Black Lightning by turning him into a bad guy…haven’t we seen this before? Join @Hulkatone for his analysis.
July 31, 2018
It’s still Christmas in July! Welcome to Vlogmas Day 2 with the PinUpGirl Beauty blog. Check out my daily skincare routine using all natural skincare from LimeLight by Alcone. Check out the blog at Have you heard of LimeLight? Let’s go shopping:… Follow PinUpGirlBeauty! Site :: Facebook :: /pinupgirlbeauty Twitter :: @pinupgirlbeauty Instagram :: […]
July 31, 2018
4 Mobile Games Where You Can Find Black Female Characters By: Tayci Stallings This story was originally published on Blavity. Representation of black women in gaming is important. In my own experiences, I have found it to be important not only because it resonates with me as a black woman but also because my […]
July 31, 2018
Black in China #4 shares general PET PEEVES of foreigners in living in the People’s Republic of China] including: – business practices – crowds – hygiene – public release – others 黑衣人在中国 [Black in China] the series chronicles the stories of 39 Black people from Canada, Trinidad & Tobago, the UK, and the USA living […]
July 31, 2018
In this Episode of The Sunday Edition, @TheRayvolution , @JCoisit, @Trezanay, and guest, @BigDice219, discuss the #JrSmith situation, Twitter saying Black men NEVER Found Serena Williams attractive, and whether Pusha T crossed the line in his diss of Drake?
July 30, 2018
Mr Robot Episode 8 – #WeTheRobot Pregame Show #mrrobot #usa #elliot #ramimalek #darlene #angela #whiterose #darkarmy #hackers
July 30, 2018
In this recap of Ep 007 of #ACSVersace, @Trezanay shares how this Episode is all about Andre Cunanan’s ascent to “power” when he finally acknowledges that selling his charm and “well endowed”-ness to old gay men is his ticket to everything he’s ever wanted. Then, Trezanay gives her predictions for what Ep 008 holds.
July 30, 2018
Black Twitter: Cultural Preservation in the Midst of “Virtual Lynching” By: Rudy Anthony This story was originally published on Medium by 82 Tabs on May 26, 2018. Black Twitter is a phenomenon that has led many a conversation in culture. It does have many positive attributes, such as bringing awareness to social issues and creating […]
July 30, 2018
FCN Sunday Edition Ep 006: The Child Support System is Broken, who is accountable? #childsupport #childsupportsystem#tyresegibson #13000amonth #babymomma#babydaddy #custody #visitation #families#children #singleparenting #coparenting We’re going in on the #childsupportsystem. We’re not holding anything back in this episode, so like our page and set your live notifications…and catch our live broadcast at 4pmEST. Is it a system of accountability or another system of oppression? Who […]
July 30, 2018
Ya’ll have really been showing love for content shared this month! Here’s this week’s line up! MORNING: Every Monday through Thursday, get ready for all the hottakes, debates, and facts from The Sunday Edition, a random episode from FCN’s No 1 show! 10amEST Wednesday at 11amEST – The REVEAL of the final list – The Top […]
July 29, 2018
Lots of classics in this one, including Baby Huey, Betty Boop (in color!), Felix the Cat, Tom and Jerry, and some others that will probably take you back to childhood immediately! #SummerCookout
July 27, 2018
An atomic explosion awakens Gammera–a giant, fire-breathing turtle monster–from his millions of years of hibernation. Enraged at being roused from such a sound sleep, he takes it out on Tokyo.” Oh boy. Enjoy tonight’s #FriFi Night film!
July 27, 2018
July 26, 2018
NDA Is The New Friendship Contract: Beyonce + Tiffany Haddish – How To Survive A Scandal – The New Olivia – How To Get Away With Murder – Annalise – Cross Over Episode Premieres Tonight! Are You Ready For Oliva and Annalise? #ThursdayWineDown
July 26, 2018
Join Nakilah and Mr. Majors talk about this less-than-nice part of relationships….cheating.
July 26, 2018
Join @TheRayvolution, @JCo, and @EbonyTheWriter for a convo about the Quincy Jones interview…and the latest happening in white people doing white people things.
July 25, 2018
…hosted by FCN’s Combat Sports Editor, @Hulkatone!
July 25, 2018
Should There Be Labor Laws for YouTube Content Creators? By: Cory Lancaster This story was originally published in Policy Perspectives on April 10, 2018. On April 3, 2017, Nasim Aghdam shot three people at YouTube’s headquarters out of frustration in part because the company stopped monetizing the videos she posted on her channel. Aghdam, a full-time YouTuber, was a […]
July 25, 2018
FCN’s “12 Days of Christmas” Lists – debates and hot takes on the best of Christmas! In this episode, we discuss our favorite Christmas Tradition…and what are top ten list quality…and which aren’t.
July 25, 2018
@TheRayvolution and @JCo give their Oscar predictions! Watch to see how well their predictions turned out!
July 24, 2018
Youth In Media student @Miles joins @TheRayvolution for this hilarious conversation on all things comic books and movies…and of course, #BlackLightning!
July 24, 2018
How Gaming Helped Me Discover My Identity By: Tayci Stallings This story was originally published on 21 Ninety! Growing up, I dealt with a lot of internalized racism — and looking back, I see how the relationships I built and the way I carried myself were affected by this issue. From always having to […]
July 24, 2018
It’s still Christmas in July! Welcome to Vlogmas Day 1 with the PinUpGirl Beauty blog. I’ll be your host, Steph Thorne! 2:45 to see my review of the Fenty Beauty Stunna Lip Paint, and I think it’s the perfect holiday red lipstick. Check out the blog at Have you heard of LimeLight? Let’s go […]
July 24, 2018
Black in China #3 this week is a glimpse the lighter side of living in China. During the 2014 Spring Festival, some of the cast traveled from Shenzhen to meet the other cast members living in Guangzhou to recreate our own “Happy” video. Unfortunately, YouTube is extremely difficult to access while in China, so the […]
July 24, 2018
Racism in America is alive and well, let’s discuss… #Dove #DoveAd #KennesawState #TakeAKnee #kneeling #JasonAldean
July 23, 2018
Mr Robot Episode 7 – #WeTheRobot Pregame Show #mrrobot #usa #elliot #ramimalek #darlene #angela #whiterose #darkarmy #hackers
July 23, 2018
@Trezanay gives the recap on Episode 006 on how Cunanan’s life was BEFORE he began a personal spiral toward his killing sprees!
July 23, 2018
Join @TheReggieMathis, @Trezanay, @TheRayvolution talk mad truth and fact about the Universal Fan Con Cancellation and all the issues that come with the story, followed by topics that happened over the weekend, like Kanye’s comment about Candace Owens, Barbara Bush’s death, Tiffany Haddish and her brush with TMZ, along with the trend of dads posing […]
July 23, 2018
We’re well underway with the #SummerCookout! Here’s this week’s lineup! MORNING: Every Monday through Thursday, get ready for all the hottakes, debates, and facts from The Sunday Edition, a random episode from FCN’s No 1 show! 10amEST Wednesday at 11amEST – The DISCUSSION – The Top 10 XMas Traditions – FCN’s 12 Days of Christmas Lists! […]
July 21, 2018
It’s #FriFi Night! Tonight’s film is…The Amazing Transparent Man! About the Film: An ex-major breaks a safe-cracker out of jail to use as a guinea pig for an invisibility ray with hopes of eventually building an invisible army. Things go awry though when the safe-cracker develops his own plans. Leave your jokes in the comments! LOLOLOLOLOLOLOL
July 20, 2018
@JCoisit hosts and has @TheRayVolution as a guest…..and somehow, someway this Walking Dead PreGame Show has ventured into a conversation of the abominable….tuna melts and money hungry baby mommas.
July 19, 2018
Safaree Slangin – He Ain’t Corny No More! So…Many Reboots – Are you here for them or nah? Cardi B cover for Cosmo + How to Get Away With Scandal – Crossover Episode Tonight!
July 19, 2018
July 19, 2018
FCN’s @Trezanay and @TheRayvolution discuss #TiffanyHaddish and her hosting of #SNL and how she looked to shuck and jive in what was supposed to be a monumental moment as the first black female comedian to host the show.
July 18, 2018
July 18, 2018
An Inside Look at Organizing with Campaign Manager Thaddeus Walls By: Brittany Boston This story was originally published on The Black Juice by 82 Tabs on January 27, 2018. If you do not recognize Thaddeus Walls now, I have no doubt you will know him in the very near future. A military kid born in Greece , raised […]
July 18, 2018
FCN’s “12 Days of Christmas” Lists – debates and hot takes on the best of Christmas! In this episode, we REVEAL the Top Ten Christmas-Themed TV Episodes!
July 18, 2018
July 17, 2018
@HulkATone hosts….someone please help him and those ashy knuckles.
July 17, 2018
Episode #2 is about the most common grievances or “pet peeves” of Black people living in China. This ethnographic film series documents life as a western member of the African Diaspora. This project was embarked on to help add the Black perspective to the expatriate experience in China.
July 17, 2018
Join @TheRayvolution and @Trezanay as they discuss the trend toward getting off Facebook, about Trump’s overwhelming un-public relations attitude as things continue to spiral downward for him and his administration, and discussing black people and the Starbucks space?
July 16, 2018
Mr Robot Episode 5 – #WeTheRobot Ep 006: Gimmickry and Showmanship #mrrobot #wetherobot #ramimalek #elliot #angela #whiterose #darkarmy #hackers #hack #usanetwork #darlene #timetravel #datbot
July 16, 2018
@Trezanay on a new set – live reaction with #ACSVersace
July 16, 2018
Hip Hop and Politics: Is This Thing On? By: Jennifer Blemur This story was originally published on Medium by 82 Tabs on February 13, 2018. New York is the birthplace of hip-hop, this is not even a debate. New York also has the best hip-hop, feel free to debate your mother about it, not […]
July 16, 2018
Tracee Ellis Ross vs. Monique on the issue of the gender pay gap. Is it fair for Monique to allege racial and gender bias on the issue of pay using Dave Chappelle, Chris Rock, and Amy Schumer? Then we get into the issues of the Womens March and complicity of EVERYONE with regard to disgraced […]
July 16, 2018
We’re well underway with the #SummerCookout! Here’s this week’s lineup! MORNING: Every Monday through Thursday, get ready for all the hottakes, debates, and facts from The Sunday Edition, a random episode from FCN’s No 1 show! 10amEST Wednesday at 11amEST – The REVEAL – The Top 10 XMas Television Episodes – FCN’s 12 Days of […]
July 1, 2018
FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE June 8, 2018 ANNOUNCEMENT OF THE FIFTH COLUMN NETWORK SUMMER SEASON “FCN’S SUMMER COOKOUT” Remember that episode of #MrRobot when @TheRayvolution went in on the #tunamelt? Or, that episode of #TheSundayEdition when @HDubonDubs explained what white people’s catfish is? No, remember when @JCoIsit played that ridiculously hilarious character during our […]
June 30, 2018
Kick back and enjoy an hour of old school cartoons.! Tom and Jerry, Baby Huey, Popeye, Betty Boop, Private Snafu, The Spirit of ’43, Felix the Cat, and Superman! #SummerCookout
June 17, 2018
June 16, 2018
Kick back and enjoy an hour of old school cartoons.! Popeye, Woody Woodpecker, Betty Boop, Superman, Mighty Mouse, Bugs Bunny, and Casper the Friendly Ghost! #SummerCookout
June 15, 2018
June 15, 2018
June 14, 2018
June 14, 2018
Trezanay‘s take on the intellectual property issue was so hot that the founder of GrapeVineTV blocked her on social media afterwards…and she was called a coon. Yikes! The Root, however, followed her afterwards. *shrug* Ebony Marie Chappel joined her for a riveting discussion about Black creativity in general….and how folks love to steal content […]
June 14, 2018
June 13, 2018
Wednesday Morning HotTake :: The LGBTQ Community Coming for RuPaul? Absolutely Not!
June 12, 2018
June 12, 2018
Tuesday Morning HotTake :: A Real Conversation about Black Movies at the Box Office. Because, we need to know the real factors that go into Hollywood film making. Conversation led by resident pop culture anthropologist, TheRayvolution, along with JCo.
June 11, 2018
@Trezanay and @Soul_Minister get ready for the premiere episode of #ACSVersace by chatting up how dope #ACS People v. OJ Simpson was….and predicting how well Versace would do. Then, @TheRayvolution, @JCoisit, and @TheReggieMathis come in hot for the premiere episode of #MrRobot…the ish goes left REAL quick.
June 11, 2018
Monday Morning HotTake :: From #TheSundayEdition Are White Men Getting Too Comfortable? This discussion was hot, hot, hot with special guest, Mz. Chynudol your man’s BFF in the studio to talk about #TonyRobbins and his #MeToo comments, and #GaryOwen and #MichaelRappaport…ish got contentious. Link to full episode:
June 8, 2018
FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE June 8, 2018 ANNOUNCEMENT OF THE FIFTH COLUMN NETWORK SUMMER SEASON “FCN’S SUMMER COOKOUT” Remember that episode of #MrRobot when @TheRayvolution went in on the #tunamelt? Or, that episode of #TheSundayEdition when @HDubonDubs explained what white people’s catfish is? No, remember when @JCoIsit played that ridiculously hilarious character during our […]
June 7, 2018
Who is the greatest 6′ and under performer all time?! Will it be Rey Mysterio? Will it be The Young Bucks or Chris Jericho?!
June 7, 2018
June 3, 2018
June 3, 2018
In this Episode of The Sunday Edition, @TheRayvolution , @JCoisit, @Trezanay, and guest, @BigDice219, discuss the #JrSmith situation, Twitter saying Black men NEVER Found Serena Williams attractive, and whether Pusha T crossed the line in his diss of Drake?
May 31, 2018
May 31, 2018
Murder of Black Man Hired to Dig Mysterious Tunnels in Maryland Home 2. About the Charges against Weinstein + About His Lawyer 3. About Channing Dungey and the Cancellation of Roseanne 4. Aviation and Prosperity Gospel Preachers: Jesse Duplantis is the latest to ask followers to fund him a private jet 5. PBS has a […]
May 30, 2018
The FCN_Two family go over the greatest of all time of the short men syndromes. @HulkATone and @TShacktalkz Feat. @TheRayvolution and @JCoisit.
May 28, 2018
May 25, 2018
All good things must come to an end….on tonight’s finale episode of the #FriFi seaon, we present a Finnish take on “Star Trek”. “The future looks bleak for Captain Pirk. Originally from the far future, he traveled back to save the world, but was shipwrecked on the 21st century. The world of the past is a dangerous […]
May 24, 2018
May 24, 2018
May 23, 2018
This episode includes a tribute to Owen Hart.
May 20, 2018
Join @Trezanay, @EbonyChappelle, and @TShackTalkz chat the Billboard Awards….it was a snoozefest…and so pasty.
May 20, 2018
May 20, 2018
#TheSundayEdition :: Prince Harry and The Halfblood Princess. Interracial Relationships Part II. Featuring @Trezanay, @Jcoisit, and @TheRayvolution, and Coop Cosa Nostra. @Trezanay did not agree to this title. LOL
May 18, 2018
Villagers are turning up dead and vampires are suspected. A man who is fond of bats is suspected and a angry mob gets rid of him. But the attacks don’t stop.
May 17, 2018
May 17, 2018
May 16, 2018
May 13, 2018
May 11, 2018
“Lying Lips” is a 1939 in film, melodrama, “race” movie by Oscar Micheaux, starring Edna Mae Harris, and Robert Earl Jones (the father of James Earl Jones). It may not be #sciencefiction, but it’s black, so….
May 10, 2018
May 10, 2018
May 9, 2018
Monetizing the Intellectual Property of Black Twitter FCN’s Trezanay Atkins sits down with Cory Lancaster of 82 Tabs, an advocacy organization focused on solutions based awareness for social policy issues, to discuss a hot topic amongst black creatives: how to monetize their creativity online. By: Cory Lancaster Ideas are our best currency. There are few things […]
May 7, 2018
May 6, 2018
May 6, 2018
May 4, 2018
An inventor is working on his latest creation, a new form of television monitor and camera, but is struggling to complete his invention due to lack of funds. His monetary problems are compounded by an aggressive bill collector looking for payments and competition from a rival scientist. When organized crime figures are added to the […]
May 3, 2018
May 3, 2018
May 2, 2018
With The #GRR Behind us @TshackTalkz and @HulkATone Talk a review of this past weekend’s Events and Preview WWE BackLash Thats happening this Sunday
April 30, 2018
April 29, 2018
April 29, 2018
Bill Cosby Guilty, The WHCD + Michelle Wolf’s Amazing Roast, Infinity War (Fandom vs. Critique) and Russell Westbrook (029)
April 27, 2018
An insurance salesman arrives at the Cyrus J. Rutherford estate to sell the millionaire some life insurance. Rutherford is already dead and his heirs have gathered at the mansion to hear the reading of the will. Rutherford’s will won’t be read until he is properly entombed and the heirs are forced to stay on the […]
April 27, 2018
@FCN_Two LIVE reacts to WWE’s PPV The Greatest Royal Rumble w/ @HulkATone @TheWillsonian
April 26, 2018
April 26, 2018
April 25, 2018
The Woo Show w/ The Raging Ogre Hulk A Tone and TShackTalkz square off in combat debate on Adrien Broner’s post fight interview racial haymaker, The Greatest Royal Rumble, Mark Wahlberg thinks he can beat Rhonda Rousey and MORE! Ep: 14
April 23, 2018
April 22, 2018
April 22, 2018
Join @TheReggieMathis, @Trezanay, @TheRayvolution talk mad truth and fact about the Universal Fan Con Cancellation and all the issues that come with the story, followed by topics that happened over the weekend, like Kanye’s comment about Candace Owens, Barbara Bush’s death, Tiffany Haddish and her brush with TMZ, along with the trend of dads posing […]
April 20, 2018
In the future year of 1985, the discovery of an alien artifact warrants an exploratory mission to Venus. On the second planet from the sun, the Earthlings make a shocking discovery, and a warning for the future. Originally a German/Polish production, this badly dubbed American version still features startling original visual effects and production design. […]
April 19, 2018
April 19, 2018
April 18, 2018
April 17, 2018
April 16, 2018
April 15, 2018
Join @TheRayvolution and @Trezanay as they discuss the trend toward getting off Facebook, about Trump’s overwhelming un-public relations attitude as things continue to spiral downward for him and his administration, and discussing black people and the Starbucks space?
April 13, 2018
Late one night on a rural road in the western US, a policeman sets up a roadblock and begins stopping all traffic. When several cars and a big truck have stopped, he and the others learn the reason for this roadblock… Oh lawd…
April 12, 2018
April 12, 2018
April 12, 2018
April 11, 2018
April 10, 2018
April 9, 2018
April 8, 2018
April 8, 2018
April 8, 2018
We take a look at the #TonyRobbins comments on the #MeToo movement, #GaryOwen and #MichaelRappaport’s actions and interaction with black culture and ask whether they are getting too comfortable, and lastly, we look at whether #StephonClark is entitled to support from the #BLM movement considering his anti-blackness rants on Twitter.
April 7, 2018
April 6, 2018
An ancient fossil is discovered and is believed to be the missing link in human evolution. However, when brought aboard and transported by train, an alien life force is awakened from the remains and begins to possess and kill the passengers.
April 6, 2018
April 5, 2018
April 5, 2018
April 5, 2018
April 4, 2018
April 3, 2018
April 2, 2018
March 30, 2018
Survivors of a plane crash on a remote island find it is covered by spiders. When bitten, the survivors start turning into spiders!” Who wrote this? A first grader?
March 29, 2018
March 29, 2018
March 29, 2018
March 28, 2018
March 28, 2018
Super excited to have @TiffanyShackleford join the FCN talent squad. Check out her debut on tonight’s episode of #TheWooShow with @Hulkatone, talking all things WWE, UFC, MMA, and Indie Wrestling!
March 27, 2018
March 26, 2018
March 25, 2018
March 25, 2018
March 25, 2018
#TheSundayEdition :: The Versus Episode @TheGrapevineTV vs. @TheRoot @JManziel2 vs. @Kaepernick7 Black People vs. @KillerMike vs. @NRA #WeTheFive #ISJ #IJSwTA @Trezanay @JCoIsIt @EbonyTheWriter
March 22, 2018
March 22, 2018
March 22, 2018
Lynching Decor is a Thing + Death Penalty for Opioid Dealers says Trump + Miss Albino Crowned in Zimbabwe + Newspaper Proudly Omits Husband’s Name and Existence because “Men Can’t Have Husbands”
March 21, 2018
March 21, 2018
March 20, 2018
March 19, 2018
March 18, 2018
March 18, 2018
March 16, 2018
A nuclear war has wiped out most of Earth’s citizens, and the movie follows a group of survivors, in a Dallas mansion, threatened both by rising radiation levels, a ruthless tough guy, and cannibalistic mutants.
March 15, 2018
March 15, 2018
March 15, 2018
March 14, 2018
In this recap of Ep 007 of #ACSVersace, @Trezanay shares how this Episode is all about Andre Cunanan’s ascent to “power” when he finally acknowledges that selling his charm and “well endowed”-ness to old gay men is his ticket to everything he’s ever wanted. Then, Trezanay gives her predictions for what Ep 008 holds.
March 14, 2018
Enjoy your weekly recap and analysis of all things WWE, UFC, MMA, and Indy Wrestling with FCN Combat Sports Analyst, @Hulkatone!
March 13, 2018
Black Lightning Pre-Game Show: CW is RUINING Black Lightning by turning him into a bad guy…haven’t we seen this before? Join @Hulkatone for his analysis.
March 12, 2018
March 11, 2018
March 11, 2018
March 11, 2018
Michael Smith resigns from SC6 and JCo has the scoop why this is corporate’s fault and the demise of ESPN; @Trezanay says why everyone should take a step back and listen to RuPaul’s comments re trans exclusion from RuPaul’s Drag Race, and @TheRayVolution gives us his “State of the Black Hollywood”, looking at box office […]
March 9, 2018
Dr. Markoff has concocted a formula that spreads a hideous disease named acromegaly – which extends bones and distorts facial features. Markoff has no moral dilemma in experimenting on unsuspecting human subjects. His amoral behavior assumes monstrous dimensions when famed concert pianist Lawrence is injected with the doctor’s disease-inducing serum. In return for an antidote, […]
March 8, 2018
March 8, 2018
March 8, 2018
FCN Prime News: Priest Beats His Wife on the Altar for Cheating + Shaun King Asking for Money for PAC + RuPaul Under Fire for Comments on TransWomen + Netflix Dropping Documentary on Racheal Dolezal
March 7, 2018
@Trezanay gives the recap on Episode 006 on how Cunanan’s life was BEFORE he began a personal spiral toward his killing sprees!
March 7, 2018
…hosted by FCN’s Combat Sports Editor, @Hulkatone!
March 6, 2018
Youth In Media student @Miles joins @TheRayvolution for this hilarious conversation on all things comic books and movies…and of course, #BlackLightning!
March 5, 2018
@Trezanay talks Wins + Red Carpet + and OMG moments, followed by JCo with your top #sportsnews of the day!
March 4, 2018
Join @TheReggieMathis as he recaps the previous episode of #TWD and talks predictions with @JCoIsIt and @TheRayvolution.
March 4, 2018
Join Nakilah and Mr. Majors talk about this less-than-nice part of relationships….cheating.
March 4, 2018
Join @Trezanay and contributors Dionne Sims and @ChynuDoll for their hilarious hottakes on this years Academy Awards!
March 4, 2018
@TheRayvolution and @JCo give their Oscar predictions! Watch to see how well their predictions turned out!
March 2, 2018
The story involves a kindly small-town physician who attends the funeral of his paranormal-evil magic twin brother, whom he has secretly murdered because of the latter’s deep involvement in the occult sciences. Unfortunately, the evil twin brother had gone too far meddling with the dark arts before his demise, and with the help of his […]
March 1, 2018