I have been incorporating morning affirmations as a way to encourage positive energy into my thoughts. I find that on the days I begin with positive thoughts and positive words, I am more productive.
But I didn’t always feel this way. In fact, I had pretty much discounted the entire idea, calling it a silly, ineffective, new age hippie trend. It didn’t taste good to eat my words later, when I finally gave it an honest try.

What Are Affirmations?
Affirmations are declarative statements made in the present tense that, when repeated daily, change your way of thinking. The idea is to retrain your mind to accept the words you are saying, and then these statements would manifest as truths in your life.
The beauty of this is that you can personalize these statements to improve any aspect of your life.
Not the best at committing to a decision? Tailor your positive affirmations to say things like, “I trust my instincts to make a decision,” or “I am committed to the choices I make today.”
How Do I Use Morning Affirmations?
I have my affirmation statements taped to my mirror in the bathroom. As I put on my makeup, I say each statement out loud, slowly and clearly. I have gotten so used to saying them, I already have them memorized, but I still take the time to read each word to ensure I see it, hear it, and feel it everyday.
I am grateful for my blessings.
I nourish my mind, body, and spirit with positive energy.
I Have FAITH In Myself.
I am capable of anything I set my mind to achieve.
I choose the right path by trusting my inner compass.
I love myself and cherish my life.
I use my talents as an asset to all humanity.