Inspired by #FlintWaterCrisis, Indian Girl Invents Lead Testing App
By FCN Prime / October 31, 2017 / Articles, FCN One, FCN Prime NewsInspired by #FlintWaterCrisis, Indian Girl Invents Lead Testing App Watch the October 30th broadcast of Prime News An 11-year-old Indian girl from Colorado has been inspired by the #FlintWaterCrisis to find an easy, quick test for lead in water…and has now been named the winner of the 2017 Discovery Education 3M Young Scientist Challenge. Gitanjali Rao won […]
FCN Prime News – Oct. 30th :: Strippers Should be Valued More than Whites, and Other Halloween Horrors
By FCN Prime / October 31, 2017 / FCN One, FCN Prime NewsIn this edition of #PrimeNews – it’s all about Halloween…because there is horror in the news. Strippers should be valued more than Whites, and other Halloween Horrors. News Segment 1. #whitelivesmatter #whitesupremacy 2. #religiousfreedom #niqab #bill62 3. #nycstripperstrike #bartendersvsdancers Sports Segment 1. #eyeofftheball Pop Culture 1. #SpaceyRapp 2. #CastingCouch :: Liam Hemsworth, […]
Muslim Woman Aims to be the First for US Congress
By FCN Prime / October 30, 2017 / Articles, FCN One, FCN Prime NewsMuslim Woman Aims to be the First for US Congress Watch the October 30th broadcast of Prime News In Michigan, a progressive millennial wants to replace a two-term Republican in the United States Congress. Should she succeed, Fayrouz Saad would be America’s first Muslim woman in Congress. The child of immigrants and a practising Muslim, Saad […]
Gay Florida Lawmaker Takes on Gun Control
By FCN Prime / October 30, 2017 / Articles, FCN One, FCN Prime NewsGay Florida Lawmaker Takes on Gun Control Watch the October 30th broadcast of Prime News Allow me to introduce you to Carlos Guillermo Smith. Smith is the first gay Latino ever elected to the Florida legislature. After the deadly shootings at the Pulse nightclub in Orlando and now Las Vegas, Carlos is more determined than ever […]
#NYCStripperStrike :: Wage Discrimination + Colorism in the Clubs
By FCN Prime / October 30, 2017 / Articles, FCN One, FCN Prime News#NYCStripperStrike :: Wage Discrimination + Colorism in the Clubs Watch the October 30th broadcast of Prime News Strippers in New York City are going on strike to protest the shady business practices and outright racism at the clubs. The strippers claim that dancers with dark skin are heavily discriminated against and are not permitted […]
#WhiteSupremacy is Banning Muslim Face Coverings around the Globe
By FCN Prime / October 30, 2017 / Articles, FCN One, FCN Prime News#WhiteSupramecy is Banning Muslim Face Coverings around the Globe Watch the October 30th broadcast of Prime News The province of Quebec, Canada has passed a law banning face coverings for anyone giving or receiving public services. Despite lawmakers’ ongoing narrative that the law is not to target any specific group, it is overwhelmingly obvious that […]
#WhiteLivesMatter :: Is Bad for EVERYONE, including certain White Lives
By FCN Prime / October 30, 2017 / Articles, FCN One, FCN Prime News#WhiteLivesMatter :: Is Bad for EVERYONE, including certain White Lives Watch the October 30th broadcast of Prime News Over the weekend, white nationalists gathered in Tennessee to stage protests. One of them was shut down thanks to the vigilance of counter protesters. The other? Well, it ended with a white woman being assaulted by a participant in […]
Ep 002 – #WeTheDead #PreGameShow : Wasted Ammo, Wasted Time
By FCN Prime / October 29, 2017 / #PreGameShows, FCN Five, The Walking Dead #PreGameShowWe’re back with a new recaps and predictions episode! #TWD #PreGameShow @Teela_Shalise says there will be more backstory……@TheReggieMathis said he is going to blow his own brains out if there is more back story…….@TheRayVolution says he predicts he is gonna fall asleep mid way during tonight’s episode. BWAHAHAHA! #WeTheDead #DemDeadz
The Sunday Edition :: We The Reruns (Ep 005)
By FCN Prime / October 29, 2017 / FCN One, The Sunday Edition Watch Now#FriFi Night :: Zontar, The Thing from Venus! Ep 004
By FCN Prime / October 27, 2017 / #Fri-Fi Night, FCN FiveThe FCN Fam is proud to present the #FriFi movie of the week: Zontar, The Thing from Venus! Who knows how they come up with this stuff, but they manage to find the worst-est, most hilarious #scifi films to entertain you all on Friday evenings. Go grab some snacks and tell your top friends to watch with you…get into […]
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The Sunday Edition :: Universal FanCon Cancellation, Kanye, Barbara Bush Funeral, and Prom Dads w/ Guns
Join @TheReggieMathis, @Trezanay, @TheRayvolution talk mad truth and fact about the Universal Fan Con Cancellation and all the issues that come with the story, followed by topics that happened over the weekend, like Kanye’s comment about Candace Owens, Barbara Bush’s death, Tiffany Haddish and her brush with TMZ, along with the trend of dads posing […]
The Sunday Edition :: The Versus Episode – The Grapevine vs The Root, Kaepernick vs Manziel, Black People vs. Killer Mike vs. The NRA
#TheSundayEdition :: The Versus Episode @TheGrapevineTV vs. @TheRoot @JManziel2 vs. @Kaepernick7 Black People vs. @KillerMike vs. @NRA #WeTheFive #ISJ #IJSwTA @Trezanay @JCoIsIt @EbonyTheWriter
The Sunday Edition :: #TiffanyHaddish #SNL “You Know You’re Cooning When…”(Ep 007)
FCN’s @Trezanay and @TheRayvolution discuss #TiffanyHaddish and her hosting of #SNL and how she looked to shuck and jive in what was supposed to be a monumental moment as the first black female comedian to host the show.
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