Uber Policy Leaves Assault Victims in the Dark
In Los Angeles, an Uber driver assaults her passenger…and UBER refuses to update the passenger on how Uber has dealt with the driver. I swear, UBER, is becoming a text book for evil corporation who don’t give a darn about people. @JaiaThomas took to twitter last week to share her story about being physically assaulted by her female uber driver for no reason. Jaia – who is an entertainment attorney and adjunct professor at UCLA – said that she was on her way to dinner in downtown LA and was picked up by an Uber. Jaia says that she has used Uber frequently before and while she has had some not so great experiences, nothing has ever come close to this. Jaia Thomas said that the ride was fairly quiet until the driver asked which direction/route she preferred. Ms. Thomas said she replied that the quickest way was best as she was running a little late. At this point the driver said, “”Okay homegirl, lose the attitude.” Ms. Thomas said that she told her “I’m not your homegirl.” At this point, Ms. Thomas said that the driver then she put her hands up and said “homegirl I don’t like your attitude. You’re getting out of my car right now.” And she pulled over to the side of the road and told her to get out. Jaia Thomas said that she gets out the car and start walking and before she knows it, the driver gets out the car too and starts chasing Jaia down the street. The driver then begins punching Jaia while screaming obscenities. It took a nearby stranger to get this driver off Jaia. The driver got back in her car and drove off. Jaia tweeted that she reported this to both Uber and LAPD. Uber responded with this: As stated previously our privacy policy prevents us from sharing information with you regarding the driver’s account including what the outcome of our investigation is and the actions taken against said driver. This policy applies to all riders and drivers alike. Jaia’s final tweet on this matter is that if she doesn’t get a report that this driver has been banned from being an uber driver, she is filing a lawsuit against Uber. As she should. Uber has been getting away with murder with all the physical and sexual assaults by its drivers….and has yet to institute real policies to curb this. The LAPD is still working on investigating this case. – @Trezanay